Ashti’s Story
September 21, 2018

Having two bachelor degrees does not guarantee you a job in todays labour market, not to mention a meaningful one. Young Ashti figured this out first hand after completing a Political Science degree from the University of Alberta and another degree in Sociology at the University of British Columbia. After graduating in August 2017, she was not able to find a job; she applied for over a hundred positions but with no luck she became frustrated and felt hopeless.
Although, Ashti was well educated and smart she did not know how to network or market herself effectively. Not knowing this the process became more and more overwhelming. She knew she needed help if she wanted to succeed. Instead of spending another grueling day searching on jobsites such as Indeed, she contacted WorkBC for more information.
Instantly, after speaking with the Resource Centre Assistant and Case Manager, Ashti felt hope again.
Ashti received services such as, resume editing and interview training as these were the areas she was least confident in. Her Case Manager continued with constant communication to keep Ashti encouraged and persistent in improving her job search. They also worked together in connecting to organizations and businesses that matched Ashti aims in finding a meaningful position.
Ashti’s new found confidence in her skills definitely aided her in applying for a job with The Open Door Group. As she might have felt too discouraged to do this before meeting her Case Manager. Immediately she was offered the position of Resource Client Assistant.
In the end Ashti became an integral part of WorkBC. She found the position that she was searching for. A position that was meaningful and a position where she coud her hard earned education.